Studio News A defining feature of Cognos 10 was the Studio concept, first introduced in Cognos ReportNet and later expanded in Cognos 8. A Studio is a user interface for a specific group of users. Cognos 11 Analytics departs from this paradigm and introduces a new UI. Many long time Cognos customers are wondering, what […]
Cognos Analytics 11
The original version of this post appeared on At the October 2015 Insight conference, five years after the announcement of Cognos 10, IBM presented the next version of Cognos BI: Cognos Analytics. Many folks were happy to learn that with this version, a.k.a Titan or Cognos 11, IBM is keeping the Cognos brand name. There […]
A Brief Overview of IBM Cognos Business Intelligence
IBM Cognos 10 Business Intelligence is a reporting and analytics solution. In simple terms, it is software that aggregates raw data into user friendly reports that can be distributed to a wide audience. The reports can be as complex as required, with graphs, multiple pages, tabs and interactive prompts. Users can view the reports using […]
Mobile Business Intelligence in 2015
The promise of mobile business intelligence has been with us for a long time: anyone remember Cognos Go! for the Blackberry in 2007? At the time, it was a novelty, or at best, an inconsequential feature to fulfil a niche requirement. Since that time however, you have probably noticed that mobile devices have became smart and ubiquitous. This […]
New and Notable Features in IBM Cognos 10.2.2
On November 21, 2014, IBM Cognos 10.2.2 was released. It contains all the fixes from the fix packs since 2012 as well as some interesting enhancements. The new features align along four themes: Data Visualization Mobility OLAP Self-Service Data Visualization Six new RAVE visualizations: 5 charts (Polar Area, Chord, Tornado, Combination, Marimekko) plus Dynamic Map. More control over the visualizations through an […]
Maximizing BI Developer Productivity
Here are some ideas for maximizing developer productivity with IBM Cognos. Most of these ideas will also reduce the long term support costs of the implementation. Stick to using the out of the box functionality. It is always tempting to add some clever Javascript code to customize the UI, but it is time consuming to troubleshoot and […]
Big Business Intelligence
Amid all of the predictions and hypothesis about the future of BI in 2015, my favourite developing trend is the convergence of Big Data and Business Intelligence. Three things we saw in 2014 are driving this: 1. The Hortonworks IPO. While some view the IPO of Hortonworks as the peak of Hadoop hype, it also marks the turning point […]
Cognos 10.2.1 Fix Pack 4 Is Now Available
Fix packs are not the most exciting topic to blog about, but they are a crucial part of any successful enterprise software implementation. On August 14, 2014, Cognos BI 10.2.1 Fix Pack 4 became available. As far as I can tell, this fix pack contains many code fixes and only one new feature: it is now […]
Using Maps in IBM Cognos Reports
With the commoditization of GPS chips, location analytics, geospatial analysis and location intelligence have become desired features in business intelligence solutions. Everyone and everything that is mobile can be tracked. Location data is easier than ever to capture and store: including a map on a dashboard or in a workspace report is a great way to offer it up for […]
Digging into IBM Cognos Dynamic Cubes
What are Dynamic Cubes? Dynamic Cubes are a new feature released with IBM Cognos BI version 10.2. It extends to OLAP the Dynamic Query Mode (DQM) functionality that was introduced with Cognos 10.1. Dynamic Cubes are based on ROLAP technology, like Microsoft Analysis Services cubes. The primary benefits of Dynamic Cubes are application responsiveness for users and unprecedented scalability. The […]